Emmaus Ministries – a partnership between laity and clergy – is a world wide ecumenical ministry which exists to inspire, challenge and equip Christians for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of work.

About KZN Emmaus

Our vision and mission is to renew Christian Disciples and strengthen local churches

What Does Emmaus Ministries Do?

Emmaus Ministries programmes are designed to be an extraordinary act of love. These ministries share an experience of people loving others into a deeper realization of God’s love, supporting one another’s decision to walk in the grace of Jesus Christ, and sacrificing to make this opportunity possible for others.

Emmaus Ministries expands participants’ spiritual lives, deepens their faith and discipleship and rekindles, or perhaps ignites for the first time, their gifts as Christian leaders for their churches and communities.

Persons whose spiritual lives are renewed and strengthened through Emmaus Ministries are called and empowered to be the hands and feet of Christ, to share within their communities the grace they received. While walking together with other Christians, they actively participate in God’s missions to the world.

Our Beliefs & Values


Our mission – is to “renew Christian disciples” and, in so doing, to “strengthen local churches” for their work. As we carry out this mission, we place the emphasis on that which unites us – we emphasize God’s grace.


Theologically, the Emmaus Ministries offerings are rooted in the Wesleyan understanding of God’s grace according to which the grace of God is the undeserved, unmerited, and loving action of God in human existence through the ever-present Holy Spirit. 


Grace is believed to pervade all of creation and is universally present. 

Grace is God’s presence to create, heal, forgive, reconcile and transform human hearts, communities and the entire creation. 

Wherever God is present, there is grace! 

Grace brought creation into existence. 

Grace birthed human beings, bestowed on us the divine image, redeemed us in Jesus Christ and is constantly transforming the whole creation into the realm of God’s reign of compassion, justice, generosity and peace.


This grace is expressed in three ways:

 Prevenient Grace: This is grace that goes before we acknowledge God’s call into relationship. It prepares us for justifying grace.

 Justifying Grace: The doorway into new identity, new creation. It is the assurance of forgiveness that results from repentance.

 Sanctifying Grace: Grace perfecting us, taking the believer through the process by which he/she is made holy and whole in response to justification.


If prevenient grace is the porch of the house of grace and justifying grace is the doorway, sanctifying grace represents the rooms in the expansive dwelling of God’s presence with and purposes for humanity.


Emmaus ministries attempts to strengthen the local church by empowering disciples and raising up fresh leadership for the local church.

  • Emmaus ministries maintain important balances by holding together the unity of personal spirituality and Christian action in the world
  • Emmaus ministries are dependable 
  • Emmaus ministries includes follow-up aimed at undergirding the ongoing discipleship of the people.
  • Emmaus ministries makes partners of laity and clergy
  • Emmaus ministries focuses on essentials of the Christian faith
  • Emmaus ministries are ecumenical
  • Emmaus ministry events are fun and full of joy



Grace is when God gives us what we don’t deserve.

Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

Our leadership team is made up of a combination of Lay and Clergy members with the Community Lay Director representing the Lay community

Community Lay Director

Community Lay Director

Jannie Nel first walked as a pilgrim on walk #23, Drakensberg Community, in 2001. Since then, like many CLD's before him, he has served continuously on various walks and in many different roles in both Drakensberg and Zambia. Jannie has also served on the Drakensberg Emmaus board as well as the EMSA board (Africa South). Jannie is married to Amanda.

IT & Website

IT & Website

Alan Lukan



*** VACANT ***

Community Spiritual Director

Community Spiritual Director

Rev. Joe Taylor



Serena Taylor

Assistant Lay Director - Chrysalis

Assistant Lay Director - Chrysalis


Assistant Lay Director - Emmaus

Assistant Lay Director - Emmaus

Paul Botha

Assistant Lay Director - Face to Face

Assistant Lay Director - Face to Face

Pat Murray

Books & Literature

Books & Literature

Seonaid Lowe



Lorna Laister



Odin Axelson



Judy Benschop

Team Selection

Team Selection

Seonaid Lowe



Lynn McKenzie



Leigh Graham




Agape & Reunion Groups

Agape & Reunion Groups

Kathy Timm

KZN Emmaus