Sponsorship – The Why? – The Who? – The Now!

How many times have we sat at a closing of an Emmaus event, be it an Emmaus Walk, Chrysalis or Face to Face and been so incredibly moved by the testimonies of those folk who have been blessed by their time with our Lord Jesus? Remember your walk, flight or encounter………..

Those young, old, or in-between ages have one thing in common – they were each sponsored by someone. Let’s be very clear the “someone” means you and me!!

Why do we sponsor – because we want to encourage and build up the body of Christ, renew our Chrstian brothers and sisters and bless them spiritually, just as you were once blessed. We want our churches to have new vision and leadership. We do not sponsor in order for people to have a good time, or to just make up the numbers.

Who do we sponsor – those we have prayerfully considered, those who’s minister, priest or pastor we have been to and discussed our thoughts about sponsoring the person and been given the all clear. The person we want to sponsor can be of any creed, colour, or denomination. They may just be the right person. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and discernment. There are so many people just waiting to be sponsored!

The Now – please don’t delay sponsoring, if you have identified the person, prayed about it, seen their spiritual guide (priest/minister/pastor/dominee). Go and approach them. If you are unable to do the sponsoring alone get together with your accountability group, home group or bible study friends and do it as a group. There will always be someone to help you.

The time to sponsor is NOW. Remember that to sponsor a pilgrim or caterpillar is the very first Agape gift before any event.

De Colores

Jenny Engelbrecht


Sponsorship Note: April 2023

by | Apr 14, 2023 | Uncategorised

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