Greetings friends in the name of our Lord,

I can’t believe that this is the final newsletter of 2022. It’s been wonderful to be able to share both the highs and the lows of our community with you all. As we look to the new year, and all that it holds, I ask that you remember the Emmaus Community in your prayers as we begin planning and preparing for next year’s events.

FACE TO FACE – all about the Encounters.

An adaptation of The Walk to Emmaus, Face to Face is specifically crafted to meet the needs and life-stages of older adults. The program seeks to invite men and women, ages 60 and older, to experience Jesus through an 4-session journey, covering subjects such as discipleship, mission, grief, and end-of-life issues.

The highly flexible schedule allows participants the freedom to engage in structured discussion centered around talks and
covered in prayer in a church setting or other community space. Led by clergy and lay leaders, Face to Face strengthens and renews followers of Christ and bolsters the spiritual life of individuals, families, and congregations everywhere. Face to Face is open to members of any Christian denomination who want to strengthen their spiritual lives, discover answers
to their questions about faith, and are open to understanding the responsibility of living a Christian lifestyle.

Face to Face Encounter #131, will be offered in Howick during March of 2023.

We are at present requesting TEAM VOLUNTEERS – please contact Vanessa Wortmann (
*Important: Team members must commit to all 4 days of the Face to Face Encounter and to the 4 days of Team formation – all being held in Howick at Howick Presbyterian Church.

Team formation:
Day 1 – 14 February
Day 2 – 15 February
Day 3 – 21 February
Day 4  – 22 February

Event dates:
Day 1 – 7 March
Day 2 – 9 March
Day 3 – 14 March
Day 3 – 16 March

Event Gathering – 23 March

Step out and step up friends, join a team during 2023 and be an instrument in His hands.
If you have felt down or distant for whatever reason, think about your Walk , Flight or Encounter and what that spark was on your last day, at closing when you gave those two answers- what the walk, flight or encounter meant to you and what do you plan on doing about it? Do you remember your answers? Do you remember how on fire you were at that moment? Emmaus Ministries hasn’t gone anywhere, but maybe you have…we are only a step away! We would love to see all of your faces again!!


As a Board member and our endeavour to be compliant, to the manual and to EMSA, I have requested that the Board release me, – as a Community Lay Director serves a maximum of 2 years, even though dispensation was granted that I serve an extra year and filling the elect position with someone as “qualified” as our CLD elect, the Board have understandably done just that, so, my term as your Community Lay Director is coming to a close. I will hand over the reigns to our recently appointed and elected CLD elect, Nigel Warr, in January to begin his term as your Community Lay Director.

It has been my honor and privilege to serve in this position for the past 2 years. Please don’t think you are getting rid of me though, because I will still be around and making sure we all work hard to keep this Emmaus Community going and thriving forward.

Our prayers, as a Board, go out to each of you and your families this Christmas season and pray that none of us forget that the season is about the birth of baby Jesus!
I pray that the year to come finds favor with God and that He will continue to lead, guide and direct us in all that we do and we will have ears to hear, hearts to be open and feet to follow.

In your service and with prayers,

Newsletter: December 22

by | Dec 15, 2022 | Uncategorised

KZN Emmaus