Firstly, what an honour and privilege it has been to have had events taken place -Face to Face and a Men’s and Ladies Walk, with the Holy Spirit leading the Lay Director’s steps. These events were originally set to take place during 2020. Due to Covid they were tentatively rescheduled only to be postponed – multiple times. It has not been an easy road as this world
has changed so very much in the last 2 years. We have had to learn to step out in faith and be the hands and feet of Christ while trying to navigate a pandemic. We must continue and strive to find ways to not let this world separate us from Christian love and fellowship.
I want to thank each and every one of you who formed part of these events. There were many times I became discouraged and at moments even wanted to give up. But our precious Emmaus community wouldn’t let that happen. Your love and encouragement was felt! Often we have a picture as to whatan encounter or walk will look like but as someone told me, God will shift and rearrange. And rearrange He did. Just as HE planned for the events to be.
Thank you to our wonderful community for stepping out in faith and for showing our pilgrims the love of Christ. All felt God’s love and grace through each of you!
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