Greetings friends,
It is such a privilege and pleasure to greet you in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, particularly at this time as we approach the Festive season. What a mighty, incredible, awesome God we serve.
2022 has been a year in which your Board was guided and yet had to make some hard decisions. So, despite the tough decisions and yet blessed events of the year, I have a heap of good news to tell you from which you will hopefully see that KZN Emmaus ministries is alive and well prepared for 2023.
Your 2023 KZN Board, as voted in at our AGM on 29 October 2022, is as follows;
● Community Spiritual Director – Rev Nardus Nel
● Assistant Community Spiritual Director- Rev Lorna Laister
● Community Lay Director – Wendy Warr
● Community Lay Director Elect – Nigel Warr
● ALD Emmaus – VACANT
● ALD Chrysalis – Tracy Rowland
● ALD Face to Face – Linda Till
● Treasurer – Serena Taylor
● Secretary – Sharlene Shaw
● Trainer – Jenny Engelbrecht
● Registrar – Roanne Duncan
● Website/IT – Mark Duncan
● Team Selection – Vanessa Wortmann
● Supplies – Henry Reynolds
● Music – Judy Butcher
● Fourth Day/Gatherings – VACANT
● Books & Literature – Seonaid Lowe
● Agape – Kathy Timm
● Prayer – Leigh Graham
● Reunion Groups – Kathy Timm
● Newsletter & Communication – Wendy Warr
● Outreach – CSD, ASD and ministry ALD’s.
We welcome these dedicated servants, hold them in our prayers, and pledge to give them all the support we can in the year ahead.
As I have said so many times before: This is YOUR Board. These are YOUR ministries. Get involved! Your board is there to lead and guide but without YOU who will there be to lead and guide?
As indicated at the beginning of this newsletter, strategizing, planning and preparing for 2023 has been the order of the day for the past few months and your board, despite, many only officially taking office on 1 January 2023, has been intimately involved in that process, with new board members briefed and appraised of the duties and responsibilities of their posts.
Some of the 2023 preparatory issues dealt with are;
Our Website
You are requested to visit the site often as this is where you will find a lot of information and all application forms, prayer vigils and contact information for board members –
Please join our Facebook page –
KZN Emmaus Finances
KZN Emmaus Ministries find themselves in a good financial position thanks to our many generous and kind donors and not having to purchase a large stock consignment during 2023.
Face to Face Encounters
Planning and preparation for the first Encounter of 2023 in Howick, in March, continues unabated with the first planning meeting of 2023 scheduled for the third week of January.
Walk #134 for the Men will be held during September 14 – 17 and Walk #135 for our ladies 21 – 24 September at African Enterprise.
Chrysalis Flights
Flight#132 for the young gents and Flight #133 for our young ladies will be over the weekend of 30 June – 2 July and 7 – 9 July.
The Board will welcome your volunteer form to serve on one of these events. Visit our website for all application forms.
Accountability Groups
With the launch of our new website and the near launch of the management system it is hoped that this vital element, of our ministries, will once again be placed on a sound footing. Please give your wholehearted prayer support as the Board strives to update records, more than 3 500 community members having outdated email addresses and phone numbers. Please assist your Board in gathering the correct information of our members so they too can be kept up to date with our activities and happenings. We strive to improve communication and better coordinate such issues as agape, prayer vigils, sponsoring and involvement with gatherings and other functions such as candlelight and closing. Accountability Groups are the lifeblood of the fourth day element of Emmaus Ministries, and just as important a part of the body of Emmaus Ministries as are the Walks, Flights and Encounters.
Please help us to build Accountability Groups back up to their rightful role at the forefront of fourth day activities, binding our community together in love and support. Please contact Kathy Timm with your group members and meeting information.
The bedrock upon which the Emmaus ministries are built is prayer and never before has it been more essential that we, each and every one of us, commit these ministries to the Lord in prayer. Let us unite in prayer, to the success of Emmaus Ministries and, most importantly, to the glory of God.
I have been supported, stretched, protected and guided by an incredibly hard working board to which I am deeply indebted for their commitment to these glorious ministries and for the love and understanding shown to me.
My family, who has supported me on this journey, and I, wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and God’s love and grace throughout 2023.
Yours in the service of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Wendy Warr
Community Lay Director
KZN Emmaus Ministries
082 560 9583
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